Home Office Ergonomics - Work From Home Comfortably

The COVID-19 pandemic drove many people to work from home. At first, the distractions at home made it nearly impossible to be productive. But, with time, many have adjusted and learned to work well from home. Yet, as it turned out, many people have grown to love it. Many people are enjoying the life-work balance working from home brings.


The task now lies in creating a home office suited to your job. Most people have been working from their couches and dining tables. However, a comfortable working space will help you avoid chiropractic problems in the long run.




Ergonomics has become popular in the post-pandemic period. The word refers to fitting individuals to jobs based on Occupational Safety and Health Administration guidelines. Having a customized setup increases productivity and prevents muscle fatigue. It also reduces the frequency and severity of musculoskeletal disorders developed at work. Without proper care, you could develop muscle strains, tendonitis, and lower back injuries.


Avoid the Bed and Sofa


While the two are comfortable, they do not do good for your musculoskeletal system. You need a chair that props you into position and offers the proper support. There is a reason your office had desks rather than soft sofas.


Ideally, if you can, you should replicate the work area you held at the office. But, if you have some space or financial limitations, work with what’s available to create an ideal working space.


Achieve the Right Posture


To begin with, you must get furniture that will help you maintain the right posture. Being situated properly reduces the likelihood of developing back pain and other complications.


Sitting position: Seat to the back of your chair. Your shoulders should be above your hips, and your head above your shoulders. This position ensures that all your joints align. If they fail to align, you risk throwing off your posture and stressing the muscles involved. This may lead to musculoskeletal problems.


The shoulders: Push your shoulders back and relax them. Your elbows should be able to take a 90 degrees position from this position.


The elbows: Your elbows should bend at 90 degrees, placed close to your body. They should not press against your ribs but hang comfortably below the shoulders.


Your feet: Ensure that your feet are lying flat on the ground. Your knees should bend at 90 degrees and your thighs parallel to one another. If you cannot achieve 90 degrees, place something under the feet to elevate them.


Set Up Your Desk and Chair


Get an office-style chair because it’s easy to adjust its height. Set it up in a way that allows your knees to bend at 90 degrees and your thighs parallel to the ground. If this position does not let your feet touch the ground, get a footstool, or stack some books underneath. In the proper position, the soles of your feet should be lying flat on the surface.


If you cannot get an office-style chair, no need to fret. Get your regular chair and place a thick pillow on the sitting area to give you extra height. Remember that the goal is to achieve that 90 degrees bend of the knees and get your proper back support. Your hands should be in a position that makes it easy for you to reach your keyboard while typing.


With the right adjustments, you could still be as productive working from home as you were at the office. For more advice on arranging your work from home area, visit the Cooper Chiropractic & Wellness Center in New York, NY. You can also call 332-205-9073 to request an appointment.

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